Be a Warrior! Help us Fight DIPG!

Welcome to our Website

Wow, we have our own website now! This is great as we know many people don’t subscribe to any social media sites. We have thought about it but never had the time to get around to looking into it. The only reason why this is up and running is because we have some amazing people in our lives. Kate Nosworthy and Norman (Dean) Jones. They have taken it upon themselves to secretly get this page up and running before surprising us with it. Marco and I were absolutely speechless. I think I may have hugged them a few time while Dean was teaching a class. Haahaa. THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts.


So a little about us and why we are here. As you can read on our page, Madox is our amazing and beautiful son. Very active, super happy, and always looking out for others. He has a brother named Valin who is only 14 months older than him. They are best friends, who rarely fought. And if they did fight, it was during a video game and easily and quickly resolved. My name is Suzanne, proud momma of Madox and Valin. Don’t forget Marco, protective papa of his two boys.


March 7th 2014 Madox was diagnosed with a brain tumour called Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG). I’m not going into detail about it as it’s all on this site. What I do need to stress is the lack of funding and support DIPG and other brain cancers have been given in the last 40-50 years. No advancements in treatment, and most doctors have never even seen or heard about DIPG. They call it rare, affecting 40 children in Canada a year. I don’t call it rare because I know many families who have lost a child or losing a child to this tumour in the last year. It’s not rare. And even if it was, who are we to stand back and allow this to happen to other children, other families??? Marco and I refuse to, so we started up Madox’s Warriors. We will raise as much money as we can to support pediatric brain cancer research. Although we will be strictly concentrating on DIPG, it doesn’t mean we wouldn’t donate to a promising study related to brain cancer. Did you know only 4% of funds are allocated to pediatric cancer? The #1 killer in children and they only deserve 4%? Really?? Clearly there is no money in saving children’s lives, which is quite disgusting that is the only thing the pharmaceuticals think about. Even more disgusting, only 1% of that 4% goes to ALL brain cancers. There are at least 10 brain cancers children are fighting. What is 1% going to do??? To the many families who have had to bury their child, thank you for donating the tumour that stole your baby from you. Without those heartbroken but strong parents, there would be no cells to study. In the last 6 months, there are at least 5 different groups around the world making some headway with the DIPG tumour. We will do everything we can to help. Will you help us make the world better for our children? For your children and grandchildren?



Everyone needs to understand. Cancer does not discriminate your sex, age, colour, or religion. Please don’t look the other way and think it can’t happen to you. Turning a blind eye doesn’t make things go away. Support our cause, support our children. You never know when all this research and improvement of care may benefit you or your family. There was a time Madox didn’t have cancer. It really happens in an instant. You and your children are not safe from cancer. The next diagnosis could be your family.



So we are here, doing what we can to make a change in DIPG research. We are here, to honour Madox as best we can. We are here to bring awareness to everyone about the need for funding research for our children.



This is my perfect family. Mother’s Day 2013. This is our true family; goofy as always.


Mother's Day 2012

Mother’s Day 2012







DIPG Warriors

Children that are fighting or lost the battle against DIPG.

Meet All DIPG Warriors